Children´s book - nature and pollutants
Little Bjorny lives on top of the earth, in polar bear paradise among seals, walruses, ivory gulls, ice and snow flakes. One day, Bjorny´s stomach starts aching and at night he sees red dust that glows and dances in the sky.
Because it is so freezing cold, the words in this book huddle together for warmth and suddenly start to rhyme.
Bjorny and the red dust is written by Sofie Cappelen and illustrated and designed by Veronica Falsen Hiis og Martin Nesheim. The Norwegian and English editions are published by Kvitøya Publishing and printed by a Nordic Swan ecolabeled print house in Norway.
About the author and illustrators:
Sofie Cappelen has earlier published the children`s book Godnattareglen (2011). She has acted in several Norwegian films an TV shows, and is presently studying to become a psychologist from the University of Oslo.
Veronica Falsen Hiis is educated as a grafic designer from Barcelona and London. She has worked for a number of design agencies. Please see
Martin Mikal Nesheim is educated at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, works as an independent designer and has had several exhibitions and decoration assignments. Please see